iHeart Business Forms gives you the power to build user-friendly forms that can do more than just collect a name, email, and message from your users. Build customized forms with fields that cater to your needs. Add users that fill out your form directly to your CRM, and more!
The Forms page gives you a quick view of all of your forms. From there, you can build new forms, edit existing forms, or delete them.
Editing Existing Forms
Need to edit a form? Click the name of the form to view the Edit Form tab where you'll make adjustments. You can also edit any form from the Forms page by clicking the ⋮ icon and selecting the Edit option.
Deleting Forms
Delete any form from your account from the Forms page by clicking the ⋮ icon and selecting the Delete option.
Deleting a form will not delete the users who previously made submissions. It will only delete the form itself.
Duplicate a Form
To duplicate a form, simply click the overflow menu next to a form, click “Duplicate”, and confirm in the modal that appears.
Duplicating a form will copy over:
- Form Fields
- Form Field Settings (including descriptions, placeholder text, form field validation rules, etc.)
- reCAPTCHA settings
- Thank you message/page
- Button text
Duplicating a form will NOT copy over
- Form Field Mappings and Form Submission Rules - these will still need to be setup from the Leads Inbox.
- Form CSS
- Form Notifications
Building a New Form
Click + Create Form in the top right corner of the page. This will direct you to the Edit Forms tab of the form editor. From there, you'll make your way through four tabs to build a new form:
Edit Form
Use the Edit Form tab to add new form fields and configure their settings.
Ready to learn how to build? Click here to learn more about the Edit Form tab.
Use the Settings tab to edit the overall form settings like Notifications, Buttons, Custom CSS, and Submission Rules.
Need to set up notifications or add custom form styles? Click here to learn more about the Settings tab.
View your form submissions in one easy, searchable list on the Submissions tab. Click here to learn more about your form submissions.
Once you've built your form, use the embed code on the Embed tab to add it to your website.
Click here to learn more about Embedding your form from the Embed tab.
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