The iHeart Business Social Calendar provides excellent functionality for planning social posts and campaigns, as well as efficient and intuitive processes for publishing social media posts to all supported profiles. Use filters and three unique views to find exactly what you are looking for, approve content, and fill gaps in your posting schedules.
Use the calendar controls to navigate between date ranges, views, and and today’s date.
Month View
This view shows total posts per day and by platform. Using filters for platform and post status will change the total post counts per day depending on filters you select. Filters are turned off by default and return all posts for all platforms within the given month.
Use the left and right arrows in the top left of the screen to scroll through months. Click the Today button above the calendar to quickly navigate back to the current month. Clicking any date in the month view will take you directly to the day view for that day.
Week View
The "Week" view will always show a week’s worth of social content starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday. Designed for efficiency, you will see small previews of your post with abbreviated content and image thumbnails. Don’t worry: this is not how the post will look when published.
There are more individual post controls in this view as well, to allow posts to quickly be sent for approval or scheduled. To deny post approvals, you must use the Deny with Feedback option on the "Day" view. Also, post "status" tags will indicate which point in the process each individual post is at. See Post Statuses and Tags for more detailed information.
Use the arrows above the calendar to scroll through different weeks, or select a different date in the date picker to change to a different week with the selected date in it. Use Filters to change what posts are visible in the week based on status and platform.
Day View
Each day in this view will display the single day’s worth of posts within the 24 hour window (12am - 11:59pm). Here, you can visualize an accurate platform specific post previews, post status, and edit posts. Additionally, pending posts can be denied publishing approval using the Deny with Revisions option. Edit, unschedule, and delete posts here as necessary.
Navigate quickly to other days using the left and right arrows in the top left corner. Or, select another day in the date picker or click a different day in the "Month" view.
If no posts exist for any of the selected post statuses or platforms on the given day, you will see a message stating "no posts are scheduled for today".
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